- Author:: [[Mark Williams;John D. Teasdale;Zindel V. Segal;Jon Kabat-Zinn]] - Full Title:: The Mindful Way Through [[depression]] - Category:: [[books]] - ### Highlights first synced by [[readwise]] [[September 2nd, 2020]] - four key dimensions: feelings, thoughts, body sensations, and behaviors, (Location 468) - . Feeling depressed or sad most of the day (Location 501) - Loss of interest or ability to derive pleasure from a l l or nearly a l l activities that were previously enjoyed (Location 502) - weig ht gain, (Location 503) - agitated (Location 505) - Feelings of worthlessness or extreme or inappropriate g uilt (Location 506) - Difficulties with concentration or the ability to think, which can also be seen by others as indecisiveness (Location 507) - at the end of our rope with many of the people in our lives. (Location 513) - For some, especially young people, irritability is a more prominent experience than sadness in [[depression]]. (Location 514) - Not only do we feel sad, we may also feel like failures, useless, unlovable, losers. (Location 522)